Ep. 13: A Date with Pre-Destiny [Does God Predestine or predetermine Who Will Be Saved?]
Like Stars PodcastJanuary 12, 202300:39:49

Ep. 13: A Date with Pre-Destiny [Does God Predestine or predetermine Who Will Be Saved?]

Predestination....do we have a choice? A common disagreement among Christians takes place over this question of God's sovereignty and whether or not He decides in advance who will be saved or whether it's a matter of free will. Calvinists and Arminians go back and forth about whether Paul's teaching on predestination in his letters to the Ephesians and Romans means that God has already made up His mind about who will actually wind up in heaven or if it means something more like foreknowledge, whereby it's still a matter or personal choice. So which is it? Or...is it either? In this episode of the Like Stars Podcast, we break down what this word means and context in which Paul used it to offer a different perspective.

PLUS....listen all the way to the end to hear the Like Stars theme song in its entirety.
predestined, john calvin, Wesley, Arminian, free will, conformed to the image of the son, calvinism, God's Plan, God's Sovereignty, foreknowledge, preordained,